The Gwent CAMRA website is about more than just beer. Craft beer forms an important part of the culture and tradition of a society. The best pubs and breweries have been attracting keen beer drinkers from all over the country for decades.

Ever wondered about building a sports pub at home? Use these three easy steps to build a sports betting pub in your own home. Make sure about the location, design elements, and furniture that you will be adding to make any sports betting occasion a memorable one.

Use casino-themed decorations when designing a pub in your own home. Add casino wall posters, Las Vegas-themed bar stool covers, stickers, and other accessories that will give the bar a unique look. Use drinking glasses and coasters that are styled according to famous iGaming sites. Make sure to put up a poker table to attract ardent gamblers.

Craft brewing businesses are popular, and there are four distinct types of brewing businesses that have been identified. The Brewer’s Association for Small and Independent Craft Brewers identifies brewpubs, microbreweries, contract brewing companies, and regional craft breweries. There are only a few licencing requirements for a brewery start-up.

The history of craft beer in Britain started in the 1960s. People got tired of the watered-down beer that was being produced by major suppliers. This led to the launch of the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra). This campaign sparked a huge amount of interest in the craft beer industry, leading to many people experimenting with making their own beer.

Craft beer tastes better, and it is in some cases the only thing that satisfies the tastebuds of ardent beer drinkers. Small brewery businesses have been widely successful in Britain, and some have been contracted by bigger manufacturers to keep up with consumer demand.